Tuesday, September 4, 2012

August Book Selection- Personal Effects: Dark Art

Hi book clubbers!!

Our August book was Personal Effects: Dark Art by J.C. Hutchins and Jordan Weisman

 I think we had a great first meeting! Johanna and I had some awesome book discussion  and Cassandra sent us her her thoughts as well to discuss. 

Here are some of our discussion questions: Feel free to post your opinions below or add discussion as you like. I'd love to hear some questions and opinions.
  1. Who were some of your favorite characters? Why?
  2. What did you like most about the protagonist? Could you relate to he or she? Could you relate to the rest of their characters?
  3. Do the characters seem believable? Can you relate to them and their circumstances? To what extent do they remind you of yourself?
  4. What was your favorite twist or turn in the novel? Was this your favorite scene?
  5. Was there anything unique about the setting of the book? Did it enhance or take away from the story?
  6. What themes did the author emphasize throughout the novel? Do you think this was meant for pure entertainment or was there a message here?
  7. How do the characters change or evolve throughout the story? What events triggered that?
  8. In what was do the events of the book reveal evidence of the authors' world view?
  9. Did certain parts of the book make you uncomfortable? Why or why not?
  10. Did the end surprise you?
  11. This particular novel got many ratings that stated, that the only thing keeping this novel with positive reviews were the extra media it came with (pictures, evidence, multi media). Do you think this enhanced or changed your view of the novel or did this have nothing to do with how much you liked it?
  12. Did you like the novel? If so, what would you rate it out of 5?

Johanna's rating: ****
Jolene's rating:  **** and 1/2
Cassandra's rating:

We also voted on Septembers read which will be Defiance by CJ Redwine.

Please vote on the October read HERE!